Director Shorts: Jeremy Bloom In between the longer, in-depth interviews with NYC’s Indie Directors, I’ve decided to include some “shorts.” So lighter, shorter interviews to whet your appetite! Here’s the gist: I ask a few questions via email, they reply, then I send follow up questions. Then they get to ask me a question! My first interviewee for “DirectorShorts” is Jeremy Bloom. Jeremy enjoys working with new playwrights and with new music, Jeremy directs his original adaptations including La Boheme (Spoken), Peter-Wendy (Dark), and Leaves of Grass (Nude). No idea is too un-theatrical, and the more visually exciting, the better. No form is too theatrical, but the more emotionally grounded, the better. You can learn more about him here. CP: Hello Jeremy! Thank you for being part of the inaugural DirectorSpeak off-shoot: DirectorShorts! You get to set the tone for this series – I hope you’re up for the challenge! JB: Me, too! I’m sure it will be great. I’m ready, so fire away! CP: Excellent, let’s jump right in. Was there any one incident or point in your life that convinced you that directing was what you wanted to do? JB: Yes, indeed. It was in 1989, when I saw a a gardening cart behind my grandparents’ house and thought “that should be a stage.” We could wheel it around, and it created an elevated platform anywhere we wanted. Read more here:
June 2013